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Friday, 14 June 2013

We Are Here and Working Hard!

I apologize for the lack of information over the last couple weeks. We are working hard in the "back room". Growth and support has been fantastic! Now for some upgrades and less interesting work to support that growth. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are looking for volunteers to help with research. I am creating a portfolio of articles on the evolution of education in BC over the last 25-30 years. If you have information to share, please give me a shout! 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Discussion Needs to be on Professional Accountability vs Teacher Quality

We have had lots of discussion here at BC Partners in Education on Teacher Quality. And although we should always strive for excellence in our teachers, the discussion needs to shift to Professional Accountability amongst all in our education system.

Professional Accountability

Partners in Education wants to ensure that each part of the education system (elected representatives, administration, systems or processes and teachers) is accountable for their role in the quality of education children receive.
Partners in education will encourage parents to use their electoral rights to hold elected representatives accountable for the decisions they make.
Partners in education wants to see transparency at the administrative level to better understand how and why decisions are made and to be able to address them on behalf of parents.
Partners in education will challenge systems or processes that don’t support transparency, parental input or the best interests of children.
Partners in education knows that we are fortunate to enjoy many fantastic teachers of the highest quality across this Province, but we also want to see professional accountability, to ensure that where standards are exceptional they are recognized and where standards slip, action is taken to remedy the problem for the benefit of the children.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

BC PIE Advocating for Excellence - For the Kids

Education advocacy for BC Partners in Education means working for a stronger provincial system.

We advocate for excellence and stability in education.  BC PIE believes that stability and excellence is paramount to healthy schools. Professionals in the education sector must show all-around superiority in their work history to effectively teach our kids.  Teachers and staff have a great amount of influence over our youth and excellence is of major importance.

An education advocate is NOT someone who advocates for costly, inefficient policies.  We DO advocate for involvement from all partner groups such as, but not limited to: Parents, teachers, admin staff, community leaders, business, government, and union. We DO advocate for fiscal responsibility so our education funds are used wisely.  We DO advocate for stability to ensure our kids have the best possible chances for success.  And we DO advocate for excellence in our professional staff and for them to be rewarded for such excellence.

Education advocacy needs to have the sole purpose of working towards improving our education system for our kids.  And that's what BC Partners in Education is here to do!

We'd love your support!